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NPAECT October 2009

Page history last edited by Connie Sitterley 14 years, 11 months ago

Links to resources shared at the NPAECT October 22, 2009 meeting at Edinboro University


Organizational Tools




Online version of Inspiration (in beta and free now)

Create mind maps-lots of templates and examples




Get creating and sharing mind maps online. Access your maps anytime and from anywhere and brainstorm with friends and colleagues in real time, just using a web browser.


Assign-A-Day Calendar


Teachers create a calendar for each of their classes and add assignments for the students to view. Students view their teachers' calendars in order to see assignments for classes they might have missed, or to get an overview of the class




Web-based sticky notes-add a note to your wall-sharing of notes can be accomplished using email, twitter, google


Ta-Da Lists


Ta-da List is the web's easiest to-do list tool. Make lists for yourself or share them with others. It couldn't be simpler.




Stixy helps users organize their world on flexible, shareable Web-based bulletin boards called Stixyboards. Users can create tasks, appointments, files, photos, notes, and bookmarks on their Stixyboards, organized in whatever way makes sense to them. Then they can share Stixyboards with friends, family, and colleagues.


Grant Resources


Grant Wrangler


a free online listing service of grants and awards for teachers

Lists smaller grants that are best suited to individual teachers-listed by month

Also tips for grant writing


Digital Wish


Just like a gift registry, you build a wish list of technology products for your classroom. Then you can tell prospective donors how their support will make a difference to your students. After a purchase, Digital Wish automatically donates an additional 2%-10% in funding for your next technology project!


Donor's Choose


Here's how it works: public school teachers from every corner of America post classroom project requests on DonorsChoose.org.Then, you can browse project requests and give any amount to the one that makes your eye twinkle. Once a project reaches its funding goal, we deliver the materials to the school.




Search tool for grants for education-also links to grant-writing guides


Teachers Network


Lists grants by subject area


Toyota Tapestry Grant


Science Grants







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