

Page history last edited by Connie Sitterley 15 years ago

PENNCREST Grade 5 and 6


Examview Help can be found by clicking the ? on the menu icon bar in examview.



Links for web resources can be found at my other web site




Math links for PENNCREST elementary schools:


Carrot sticks website (avaialable from 7 AM- 6 PM






  • The /building name is important so that the students are logging in to a specific account area- without it, they will be in the paid area and have only + available to them.
  • When a student first goes there, they will click on Play Now and it will ask them to create an avatar for themselves and to set up an account.  All it asks for is a first name and last initial and a username and password.  I suggest that they use the same information as the student login on the macs.
  • Students can practice math skills in + - x รท at various levels.  They also have the option to challenge other students (1 at a time).  The free access is only good during the school day.  If the students want access at home, there is a paid option that provides them with evening access.


Flyer for carrotsticks:

CarrotSticks Single Flyer 2010.pdfCarrotSticks Single Flyer 2010.pdf


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